Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 137

Case Study Example Also, it can be attributed to enhanced morale of employees. Q3. The major changes in the situation revolved around the management system of the company. Before, the process of assembling garments involved numerous sub-assembly units before completion. The new system places the entire production of garments in the hands of every employee. In the new scheme, the workers control the entire assembly of garments while the management still make strategic decisions regarding production and also supply workers with essential materials for the production process. Q4. Suppose the new change was aborted and workers went back to the old system, the morale of the workers would slump to its all time low as they would be so demoralized because of the failure and also going back to a system that seemed to lower their work enthusiasm. Also, the percentage of controllable rejects would increase because the old system placed no direct responsibility for the reject on workers. Absenteeism would once again plague the company and the overall productivity of the company would decline

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